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R. Lyn Purdy

Associate Professor, Deans' Office, Organizational Behaviour

R.L. (Lyn) Purdy

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  • Impact of Supplier Evaluation
  • Teams and Quality Programs
  • JIT and Organizational Change

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Research Publications

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Lyn Purdy is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Ivey Business School. Prior to joining Ivey, she was an Associate Professor at the Centre for Administrative and Information Studies at Western University. She earned at BASc in Chemical Engineering, and an MASc and PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo.

Purdy's research interests include organizational impacts of new technologies and techniques, performance evaluation of supplier organizations, quality management programs and participation of employees, and decision making and the impact of negative information. She has authored or co-authored several articles which have appeared in such publications as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, the Journal of Management Systems, the Sloan Management Review, Journal of Operations Management and Behaviour and Information Technology.


  • Organizational Behaviour

Programs Taught

  • Executive Education


  • BASc, Chem Eng - Waterloo
  • MASc, Mgmt Sc - Waterloo
  • PhD, Waterloo

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Rogers, K. W.; Purdy, R. L.; Safayeni, F.; Duimering, P. R., 2007, "A Supplier Development Program: Rational Process or Image Construction?", Journal of Operations Management, March 25(2): 556 - 572.
  • Scala, J.; Purdy, R. L.; Safayeni, F., 2006, "Application of Cybernetics to Manufacturing Flexibility: A Systems Perspective", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, December 17(1/2): 22 - 41.
  • Scala, J.; Purdy, R. L.; Safayeni, F., 2006, "Application of cybernetics to manufacturing flexibility: A systems perspective", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, January 17(1): 22 - 41.
  • Purdy, R. L.; Safayeni, F., 2000, "Strategies for Supplier Evaluation: A Framework For Potential Advantages and Limitations", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, January 47(4): 435 - 443.
  • Harris, C. R.; Purdy, R. L., 1998, "The Role of Participative Management in the Implementation of Total Quality Management Programs", International Journal of Technology Management, January 16(4-6): 466 - 478.
  • Purdy, R. L.; Astad, U.; Safayeni, F., 1994, "Perceived Effectiveness of the Automotive Supplier Evaluation Process", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, December 14(6): 91 - 103.
  • Duimering, P. R.; Safayeni, F.; Purdy, R. L., 1993, "Integrated Manufacturing: Redesign the Organization before Implementing Flexible Technology", MIT Sloan Management Review, December 34(4): 47 - 56.
  • Duimering, P. R.; Safayeni, F.; Purdy, R. L., 1993, "Future Factories and Today's Organizations", , January 16(C): 3 - 12.
  • Safayeni, F.; Yu, A.; Purdy, R. L.; Lee, E., 1992, "Assessing the Potential of E-mail for Engineers: A Case Study", Journal of Management in Engineering, October 8: 346 - 361.
  • Higgins, C. A.; Safayeni, F.; Iving, R.; Purdy, R. L., 1992, "Potential Impacts of Computerized Performance Monitoring Systems: Eleven Propositions", Journal of Management Systems, The, January 4(2): 73 - 84.
  • Safayeni, F.; Purdy, R. L.; van Engelen, R.; Pal, S., 1991, "The Difficulties of Just-in-Time Implementation: A Classification Scheme", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, December 11(7): 27 - 36.
  • Safayeni, F.; Purdy, R. L., 1991, "A Behavioural Case Study of Just-in-Time Implementation", Journal of Operations Management, April 10(2): 213 - 228.
  • Safayeni, F.; Purdy, R. L.; Higgins, C. A., 1989, "Social Meaning of Personal Computers for Managers and Professionals: Methodology and Results", Behaviour & Information Technology, January 8(2): 99 - 107.
  • Safayeni, F.; Higgins, C. A.; Purdy, R. L., 1986, "How Useful are Microcomputers: Survey of Managers and Professionals", Office Systems Research Journal, December 4(2): 11 - 19.

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