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Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership

Good Leaders Learn: Lessons from Lifetimes of Leadership

Goodleaderslearnby Gerard Seijts
November 2013, Routledge Publishing - 424 pages

How do leaders learn to lead? How do they set themselves up for success? This book explores the real-life experiences of a wide variety of leaders from different industries, sectors, and countries to bring to light new lessons on the importance of life-long learning.

Consisting primarily of a series of probing interviews, Good Leaders Learn presents the challenges, triumphs, and reflections of 31 senior and high-profile leaders, offering insight into how they learned to lead during their careers. The book pulls important and useful perspectives into a robust theoretical framework that includes the importance of innate curiosity, challenging oneself, risk-taking, and other key elements of good leadership.

With practical insights complemented by the latest leadership research and theory, this book will help current and potential leaders to build a solid foundation of the leadership qualities vital to their continuing success.

Read the IBJ article

Find out more in Good leaders never stop learning, an article in Ivey Business Journal adapted from Good Leaders Learn.

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Purchase Good Leaders Learn

Take an in-depth look at the leadership insights provided by some of the most respected leaders in business.

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Meet the author

Watch a four-minute interview with Professor Gerard Seijts that takes a closer look at the concepts in Good Leaders Learn.

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Leadership webcast

Watch a panel of today’s top leaders discuss the concepts in the webcast: Good Leaders Learn: Lessons from Lifetimes of Leadership

Watch the Webcast

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