
QuantumShift 20th Anniversary Alumni Event

Join top entrepreneurs from across Canada for an invite-only alumni event celebrating 20 years of QuantumShift.


$4,750 CAD


20th Anniversary Leadership Lessons

Learn from your highest-rated Ivey faculty over the past 20 years. In this exclusive QuantumShift alumni event, we will stretch your personal leadership, your leadership of others and your leadership of the firm. You will leave with a greater understanding of your ability to continue to create value through your actions and the actions of the teams you’ve assembled.

Deep Personal Leadership

Gerard Seijts

In 1989, Tracy Edwards, at age 26, led the first all-female crew in the prestigious and gruelling 59,264-kilometre (32,000 nautical miles) Whitbread Round the World Race. This multi-part case series chronicles the myriad challenges faced by Edwards and her colleagues before and during the race, including rampant sexism and misogyny. Each of the cases sets the stage for the next challenge Edwards has to overcome.

This session touches on a multitude of topics - leadership development; leader character; teams; decision-making; equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI); performance management; and others – and offers timeless lessons for any leader.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent, in a Post-COVID World

Lyn Purdy

The success of your company is largely determined by the quality of your talent. Hiring and retaining the right people for your company must be a top priority if you want to succeed in your field. 

The best companies and organizations worldwide ensure that they have the right people for the job even before coming up with strategies. In their list of priorities, the who comes before the what. The future is entirely unpredictable, proven recently by the global pandemic that brought everything to a screeching halt. In this session, we will work through the best strategies to hire and retain the quality talent you need to succeed in a post-covid world.


Fernando Olivera

Relationships among entrepreneurs are typically characterized by positive expectations. We join efforts with others because we expect the best from each other and are optimistic about the success of our new ventures. Sometimes, however, things don’t go as planned and parties must dissolve their partnership.

This session is about understanding how to take a collaborative approach to dissolving work relationships. While it may seem counterintuitive to be relationship-minded about dissolving relationships, we will explore how there continue to be value-creating opportunities at the end of partnerships. The session will be experiential, and we will engage in an exercise that illustrates how we can dissolve work relationships collaboratively.

Superpower Teams

Martha Maznevski

The need for building high-performing teams has never been as critical as in today’s dynamic and ever-changing environment. Navigating a global pandemic, managing constant supply-chain disruptions, and increasing talent attrition in the job market created an unprecedented challenge for many teams and their leaders. Fortunately, that also means we’re now three years into a high-altitude learning journey toward superpower teamwork.

In this session, we’ll bring together and crystalize what you’ve learned recently about leading teams. We’ll combine it with perspectives from leading-edge research and practice. Then we’ll help you apply it to take your teams to the next level.

Putting Leadership Back into Strategy, and Bringing it Home

Eric Morse

The need to create and re-create reasons for a company’s continued existence sets the entrepreneur apart from every other individual in the company. He or she must keep one eye on changes, both inside and outside the company that either threaten its position or present some new opportunity for adding value.  Guiding this never-ending process, bringing perspective to the midst of action and purpose to the flow – not solving the strategy puzzle once – is the crowning responsibility of the Entrepreneur.

In this session, we will discuss the entrepreneur’s role in continuously creating strategy and how this is their greatest opportunity to define success for themselves and their organization.