Two Young Professionals Engaged In Conversation During An Ivey Class

Talent Assessments

Our talent assessment offerings help you map talent development against a core competency model – tracking the progress and ROI of your learning initiatives.

Every organization needs to map its level of talent against its competency model – the behaviours required to be successful in each role.

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Our Sigma Assessment Systems Offerings

Leadership Skills Profile: Revised Selection and Revised Focus


The LSP-R is a personality-based leadership assessment that provides a profile of expected leadership performance on up to 50 leadership competencies, including more global indices of technical, interpersonal, and overall expected performance. The LSP-R is available as a Selection Report or a Focus Report.


Focus Report


Selection Report


Tool tip for Selection Report cost

Selection Report

Ideal for Managers and HR practitioners.

Leadership Character Insight Assessment


The Leadership Character Insight Assessment is the product of a creative and dynamic partnership between experts in leadership at the Ivey Business School and experts in assessment at SIGMA. It is designed to measure leadership character and provide leaders and potential leaders with practical insight regarding leader character.


Self Assessment


360° Assessment


SIGMARadius 360°


SIGMARadius is a 360 degree approach to collecting feedback from multiple perspectives on a leader’s abilities. Designed to build and develop essential leadership competencies. Ratings are drawn from leaders, colleagues, and direct/indirect reports and combined with self-ratings to provide different perspectives on the individual’s leadership performance. SIGMA’s customized solution allows you and your team of experts to select only those leadership competencies that align with your position, function, or organization from among the full set of 51 leadership competencies.



Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Workplace – Revised


Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Workplace – Revised (MEIA-W-R) was designed to measure emotional intelligence (EI) in work settings. Emotional intelligence allows individuals to perceive, understand, regulate, and express emotions. The MEIA-W-R consists of 78 items that assess 11 distinct facets of emotional intelligence.




Succession Planning Launch Series


Working with your leadership team, we deliver the knowledge, structure, and resources that you need to independently implement a robust succession implementation plan.



Who our tools are for

For Organizations

It’s critical for organizations to select, promote, and develop their talent against a clearly defined competency model – behaviours required to be successful in a role, and progress in the organization. Talent assessment tools ensure your organization’s talent aligns with your core competencies. Organizations that use robust assessment tools have improved hiring success rates, lower employee turnover, increased employee engagement and productivity, and a resilient corporate culture.

The Ivey Academy’s faculty have conducted deep research around leader character, innovation, diversity, team dynamics, strategy, and more. We apply those insights with competency mapping, designing leadership profiles that fit your big picture. In partnership with Sigma Assessment Systems, we then work with you to chart the progress of talent development and enhance the unique strengths of your leaders.

For Individuals

Self-awareness is a crucial skill for leaders. It’s important to have a detailed understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and personality nuances. The Ivey Academy’s talent assessment tools provide the insights you need to truly understand yourself as a leader, as well as development tools to help you understand and address areas requiring improvement.

As a self-aware leader, you’ll be empowered with the knowledge to make better choices and achieve your full potential.

See how our talent assessment tools can work for you.

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Contact a team member to discuss talent assessments for individuals or organizations.

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