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Elie Chrysostome

Professor, International Business

Elie Chrysostome

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Research Publications

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Elie CHRYSOSTOME is Professor of International Business at Ivey Business School in Canada. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Comparative International Management (JCIM) and Chair of the International Conference of CEDIMES Institute USA. He has previously served as the Chair of the International Business Division of the ASAC and led Ivey Case Teaching Workshops in West Africa (Benin, Senegal, Ivory Coast). Elie is a Research Fellow at SOAS at the University of London (UK). He has more than 25 years of teaching experience at different schools in North America including Laval University, University of Moncton in Canada and the State University of New York at Plattsburgh in the USA. He was tenured at both the University of Moncton and the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. He was a visiting scholar at HEC-Montreal (Canada) and an invited scholar at leading business schools including the Thunderbird School of Global Management (USA), Haute Ecole de Gestion de Fribourg (Switzerland), Laval University (Canada), Universite Paris- Dauphine (France), Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland), University of Johannesburg (South Africa) and Alfred Nobel University (Ukraine). In addition, he has served as an external examiner on the PhD Committees of 14 graduate students from different schools in North America, Australia and Africa.

His research interests are international entrepreneurship, especially immigrant and transnational diaspora entrepreneurship, small business internationalization, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Emerging Markets, International Joint-Ventures (IJV) and capacity building in Developing Countries. He is author and co-author of 42 publications (refereed articles and book chapters) and 3 books. The most recent book he edited is entitled: Capacity Building in Emerging and Developing Countries: From a Mindset Transformation to Entrepreneurship and Diaspora Involvement (2019). He also co-edited: Building Businesses in Emerging and Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities (2014). He holds a PhD in Administration Sciences with a specialization in International Strategic Management from Laval University


  • Global Strategy (MSc. & HBA)
  • Competing in Emerging Markets (HBA)
  • Cross-Cultural Management (MSc. & HBA)
  • Strategic Management (MSc & HBA)
  • Multinational Management (MSc. & HBA)
  • International Business (MSc & HBA)
  • International Entrepreneurship (MSc. & HBA)

Programs Taught

  • MSc
  • HBA

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Chrysostome, E. C.; Barnard, H.; Ika, L., 2024, "Examining Underexplored Aspects of Female Entrepreneurship in the African Context", Journal of African Business, June 25(1): 1 - 8.
  • Okello, G.; Chrysostome, E. C.; Nkongolo, J. M.; Yourougou, P., 2024, "Credit counselling: a contemporary strategy for survival of micro small and medium enterprises in underdeveloped financial markets in Africa.", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
  • Fieve, J. K. D.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2024, "Credit Cooperative Lending Loans as Challenges and Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurship in Africa: Evidence from Ghana", Journal of African Business, January 25(1): 94 - 114.
  • Getachew, Y.; Fon, R.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2023, "On The Location Choices of Africa Multinational Enterprises: Do Supranational Economic Institutions Matter", Journal of International Business Policy, December 6(4): 453 - 490.
  • Ali, H.; Gueyie, J-P.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2023, "Gender, Credit Risk and Performance in Sub-Saharan African Microfinance Institutions", Journal of African Business, May 24(2): 235 - 259.
  • Mfokeu, A. M.; Chrysostome, E. C.; Gueyie, J-P.; Ngapna, O. E. M., 2023, "Consumer Motivation behind the Use of Ecological Charcoal in Cameroon", Sustainability, February 15(3)
  • Dobrzanski, P.; Bobowski, S.; Chrysostome, E. C.; Velinov, E.; Strouhal, J., 2021, "Toward Innovation-Driven Competitiveness Across African Countries: An Analysis of Efficiency of R&D Expenditures", Journal of Competitiveness, March 13(1): 5 - 22.
  • Mfokeu, A. M.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2021, "Performance characteristics of very small enterprises: funhouse mirror or obviousness?", Transnational Corporations Review, February 14(1): 94 - 111.
  • Abodohoui, A.; Su, Z.; Bocco, B. S.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2020, "African and Chinese Managerial Practices: A Cross-Cultural Comparison", International Management, October 24(3): 1 - 15.
  • Nkongolo-Bakenda, J-M.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2020, "Exploring the organizing and strategic factors of diasporic transnational entrepreneurs in Canada: An empirical study", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, September 18(3): 336 - 372.
  • Nkongolo Bakenda, J. M.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2020, "Dual environments of home and host countries of diasporic transnational entrepreneurs: an empirical study in the Canadian context", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, January 39(4): 455 - 455.
  • Ado, A.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2019, "Capacity Building in Developing and Emerging Countries: From Mindset Transformation to Promoting Entrepreneurship and Diaspora Involvement.", Springer Publishing, July 24(3)
  • Strang, K. D.; Chrysostome, E. C., 2018, "Prioritising African capacity building research needs using nearest neighbour analysis", International Journal of Economics and Business Research, April 15(3): 273 - 289.
  • Brzezinska, J.; Chrysostome, E. C.; Gola, J., 2018, "Corruption and Management of Capacity Building in Developing and Emerging Countries", Articles, January 21(1): 9 - 26.
  • Mohiuddin, M.; Mazumder, M. N. H.; Chrysostome, E. C.; Su, Z., 2017, "Relocating high-tech industries to emerging markets: case of pharmaceutical industry outsourcing to India", Transnational Corporations Review, July 9(3): 201 - 217.

For more publications please see our Research Database

Honours & Awards

  • Dean’s Award of Excellence in Research, School of Business; State University of New York - Plattsburgh, USA, 2021.
  • Featured Scholar of the School of Business and Economics, State University of New York - Plattsburgh, USA, 2015
  • Excellence Scholarship from Network Organization Research Center (now CIRRELT), Laval University, 1997 & 1998


  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Comparative international Management (JCIM)
  • Professor, State University of New York - Plattsburgh (USA)
  • Associate & Assistant Professor, University of Moncton (Canada)
  • Lecturer, Laval university (Canada)
  • Director, CEDIMES Institute USA (USA)
  • Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London (UK)
  • Visiting Scholar, HEC-Montreal School of Business (Canada)
  • Invited Scholar - Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University (USA)
  • Invited Scholar HEG-Fribourg (Switzerland)
  • Invited Scholar, Universite Paris dauphine (France)
  • Director, Marketing and Sales, Pepsi-Cola, Benin
  • Founder and Director, Elite Conseil, Benin

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