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June Cotte

Professor, Marketing

Kraft Professorship in Marketing

June Cotte

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  • Consumer Behavior and Decision-Making
  • Online and Casino Gambling
  • Temporal Perception and Behavior
  • Social and Ethical Issues in Consumption

Research Publications

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June Cotte is a Professor of Marketing at the Ivey Business School. She has served as President of the Association for Consumer Research, and is currently Co-Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. In addition, she is a Co-founder of the “Designing Your Career in the Marketing Academy” initiative, designed for young female marketing scholars.

Professor Cotte's research interests focus on behavioral issues, including why and when people will pay more for ethically produced products, how people perceive time and how that influences their behavior at work and at leisure, family influence on behavior, and consumption issues in gambling. She has served on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer PsychologyMIT/Sloan Management ReviewJournal of Business ResearchJournal of Strategic MarketingJournal of Services Marketing, and the Journal of Managerial Psychology, as well as in the Wall Street Journal, and other journals and books.

June regularly presents her research at business schools around the world. At Ivey,  she formerly served as Faculty Director of Research, and she has taught courses on Marketing Strategy, Customer Insights in Disruption, Marketing Management, Global Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Research Methods and Personal Selling and Sales Force Management.


  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Management
  • Consumer Behavior

Programs Taught

  • PhD
  • Executive Education


  • BBA
  • MBA
  • PhD, University of Connecticut

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Schmitt, B.; Cotte, J.; Giesler, M.; Stephen, A. T.; Wood, S., 2024, "50 Years of JCR", Journal of Consumer Research, May 51(1): 1 - 1.
  • Cotte, J., 2024, "Conversations on Society and Culture", Journal of Consumer Research, May 51(1): 52 - 55.
  • Moorhouse, M.; Goode, M. R.; Cotte, J.; Widney, J., 2023, "Helping Those That Hide: Anticipated Stigmatization Drives Concealment and a Destructive Cycle of Debt", Journal of Marketing Research, December 60(6): 1135 - 1153.
  • Xu, L.; Zhao, S.; Cotte, J.; Cui, N., 2023, "Cyclical Time is Greener: The Impact of Temporal Perspective on Pro-Environmental Behavior", Journal of Consumer Research, December 50(4): 722 - 741.
  • Hendler, F.; LaTour, K.; Cotte, J., 2022, "Temporal Orientation and Customer Loyalty Programs", Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, November 63(4): 448 - 464.
  • Nguyen, P.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Cotte, J., 2021, "Reviewing Experts’ Restraint from Extremes and its Impact on Service Providers", Journal of Consumer Research, February 47(5): 654 - 674.
  • Bagga, C.; Bendle, N. T.; Cotte, J., 2019, "Object Valuation and Non-Ownership Possession: How Renting and Borrowing Impact Willingness-to-pay", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, December 42(1): 97 - 117.
  • Liang, J.; Jiang, H.; Cotte, J., 2019, "Upward Intergenerational Influences on Parents’ Innovativeness and Innovation Adoption: A Comparative Study of Single Child and Multiple Child Families", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, July 18(4): 350 - 359.
  • Whelan, J.; Goode, M. R.; Cotte, J.; Thomson, M., 2016, "Consumer Regulation Strategies: Attenuating the Effect of Consumer References in a Voting Context", Psychology & Marketing, October 33(11): 899 - 916.
  • Huff, A. D.; Cotte, J., 2016, "The Evolving Family Assemblage: How Senior Families Do’ Family", European Journal of Marketing, June 50(5/6): 892 - 915.
  • Bendle, N. T.; Cotte, J., 2016, "Assumptions of Rationality in A Political Market: The Case of the Republican Autopsy", Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, March 28(1): 66 - 83.
  • Wang, X.; Bendle, N. T.; Mai, F.; Cotte, J., 2015, "The Journal of Consumer Research at Forty: A Historical Analysis", Journal of Consumer Research, June 42(1): 5 - 18.
  • Barnhart, M.; Cotte, J.; Huff, A. D., 2014, "Like a Member of the Family: Including and Excluding Paid Caregivers in Performances of Family", Journal of Marketing Management, November 30(15-16): 1680 - 1702.
  • Blazevic, V.; Wiertz, C.; Cotte, J.; de Ruyter, K.; Keeling, D. I., 2014, "GOSIP in Cyberspace: Conceptualization and Scale Development for General Online Social Interaction Propensity", Journal of Interactive Marketing, May 28(2): 87 - 100.
  • Robinson, S.; Giebelhausen, M.; Cotte, J., 2013, "Shopping, Gambling or Shambling? Penny Auctions", Journal of Business Research, August 66(9): 1612 - 1616.

For more publications please see our Research Database

Honours & Awards

  • 2024 Ivey Research Merit Award


  • Various marketing research and sales / marketing analysis positions

Research/Course Development

  • Social and Ethical Issues in Consumption
  • Gambling
  • Temporal Perception and Behaviour

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