Contact Information
Richard Ivey Building 3305
Associate Professor, Managerial Accounting and Control
Director of the CPA Ontario Centre for Accounting and the Public Interest for Accounting Education
Mitch Stein is an Associate Professor of Managerial Accounting and Control at the Ivey Business School and Director of the CPA Ontario Centre for Accounting and the Public Interest. Mitchell holds a PhD in Management from Queen's University and is a Chartered Professional Accountant who formerly practiced in taxation with Deloitte for over 10 years. He is a past Chair of the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association. Mitchell investigates corporate governance, transparency, regulation and impacts on society across financial accounting, taxation and government auditing. His research has appeared in leading accounting journals including Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. He is a recipient of an Ivey’s school wide research merit award.