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Assistant Professor (part-time), General Management
Faculty Supervisor for the MSc Business Project
Trevor Hunter is an assistant professor at the Ivey Business School. He holds an MBA and PhD from the Ivey School of Business. For over 20 years Dr. Hunter has been involved with corporate and not-for-profit governance as a director, professor, researcher and consultant. Trevor’s research has been published in The Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Non-profit Leadership and Education, Ivey Business Journal, and presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Society, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Greening of Industry Network, Association for Research on Non-profit Organizations and Voluntary Action and the Conference Board of Canada.
At King’s Trevor teaches courses on corporate governance, organizational design and international business and was the 2017 recipient of the King’s University College Award for Excellence in Teaching. For over ten years he has taught very successful 2-day sessions on non-profit boards through Western University's Continuing Studies and has presented sessions on the topic through the London Community Foundation, the United Way and Pillar Nonprofit Network.
Trevor is an active consultant to non-profit boards having worked with many organizations such as the Canadian Women’s Hockey League, the London Economic Development Corporation, Anago (Non) Residential Resources Ltd., St. Andrew's Residence, Merrymount Children's Centre, Reforest London and the University Students’ Council. In the for-profit space, he has consulted for global executive search firm Russell Reynolds Associates, Trudell Medical Marketing Limited, MCCG, and is a member of the advisory board for Try Recycling Inc.
Trevor has extensive board experience. He currently is a member of the King's University College Foundation Board and a member of the Governance Capacity Building Committee of the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. Trevor was Chair of the Governance Committee of the Middlesex-London Board of Health, on the board of Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Board Chair at the London Small Business Centre, a member of the Board of the Southwestern Ontario chapter of the Institute of Corporate Directors, and a Co-founder and former Vice-chair of Airshow London.