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Assistant Professor, International Business
Dr. Hasse's primary research interests focus on exploring firm-level responses to performance signals (including those triggered by crises/rare events) in an international context, as well as the impact cultural and temporal dimensions have on managerial decision-making.
Her research has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Business & Society, and more. She has received international recognition for her work, including the 2023 IM Division Best Paper Award in OB/HRM/OT (AOM) and the 2017 IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Best Dissertation Award in International Management (AOM). She is also a co-author on the 9th edition of the popular textbook International Management Behavior, with M.L. Maznevski, H.W. Lane, and R.K. Nielsen.
Dr. Hasse has authored several case studies and has been recognized internationally as a management educator for her innovations in designing transformative learning experiences. She is the recipient of multiple Teaching Excellence Awards (every year since 2021) and was named a Finalist for the 2021 Academy of International Business Teaching Innovation Award. Dr. Hasse is a board member at the Academy of International Business-Canada chapter.