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Blogs · Zoha Khan

Establishing support strategies for Canadian caregivers

Mar 3, 2017

Caregivers - Health Centre blog

Zoha Khan is a student research analyst at the Ivey International Centre for Health Innovation and a third-year student in Western University’s Biology program.

The increasing shift to informal caregivers is already having an impact on Canada’s workforce and the quality of patient care – and it’s only going to get worse due to the aging population.

In her blog on Canadian caregivers, Zoha Khan discusses the need for increased financial aid and caregiver support from the government.

“Caregiving for an elderly family member at a vulnerable point in their life does not have to be a stressful experience. In fact, it has the potential to improve health outcomes for the recipient and can be a transformative experience for an informal caregiver, if the right structural supports are in place,” she says. “Our leaders have the ability to design a system that works for families by establishing and expanding current strategies that improve financial and workplace accommodations, as well as community supports.”

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