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Nine things to ask every university when choosing a business program

Nov 3, 2014


When looking for the best education for you, choosing a business school needs to be about personal fit. Just because a school has a great reputation and looks good on paper, or the residences are nice and your cousin loved it, doesn’t mean that it’s right for you.

This fall, as many high school students are starting to research universities and business programs, we’ve laid out nine questions for you to think about before information sessions or events like Western’s Fall Preview Day on November 16:

1. What is the structure of your program?

Not all undergraduate business programs are built the same. Some programs are in-class, lecture-style over four years, while others offer more experiential learning or built-in co-op terms where students work between semesters. This is also a place to ask “how long will the degree take?” as programs can range between 3-and-5 years.

2. Can you tell me about your alumni network?

As you can imagine, meeting with and learning from successful graduates of your program can be an eye-opening and inspirational experience. Find out the size of the alumni network and what industries they work in, as well as whether or not alumni often come to speak to students or participate in events.

3. Are you accredited for…

If you have a specific career path in mind, find out if any of the schools you are comparing have built-in elements to help you succeed. For example, if you are interested in becoming an accountant or financial analyst, some programs offer additional courses or fast-track options in that area.

4. Does your university offer a co-op or internship?

Co-op and internship components are top of mind to many students. Ask business schools how they help students get critical ‘on the job’ experience, as well as quality in-class education. Some programs offer built-in electives where students work on real projects for local businesses, similar to an internship.

5. What are international opportunities for students?

Exchange opportunities may not be a priority when you’re picking the beautiful campus where you want to spend 4+ years; but they should be. International experience is becoming increasingly valued by employers, so consider if you want to open the doors to working abroad (eventually).

6. What resources do you offer students looking for jobs?

Just like the guidance counsellors at high school who help you weigh your university options, many business programs offer career support once you get to university. Ask what each business school’s career services can offer you and how career preparation is implemented into the program.

7. How successful is your School’s career placement?

Once you’ve learned about a school’s career services, try to find out their success rates. For example, Ivey has an HBA Employment Report released each year which shows the industries and organizations where graduates are being hired and the percentage of graduates successfully getting hired.

8. Do you offer combined or additional degrees?

Many students know they are interested in business, but that’s not always all. Find out if a school you’re considering has dual-degree or minor options in your additional interest areas.

9. What is the best way to get to know your university, city, and program?

No matter how amazing a business school is, it’s just one aspect of your student experience. The overall university – its school spirit, its campus, and its location – are going to have a major impact on your education.

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These are only a few questions that we advise students to think about before visiting Ivey or another business school. Everyone is different and every program is different, so don’t be afraid to ask when considering your future!

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