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Ivey Publishing boasts ‘one-stop shopping’ experience for academics

Aug 15, 2014

Case -books

Accessing Ivey’s expansive directory of cases and course material is starting to feel a lot like Netflix.

A variety of new, high-quality course materials and an easy-to-use online interface have come together for a simpler shopping experience, thanks to enterprising work by the School’s publication wing. The Ivey Publishing team has formed several new partnerships and co-brand distributor/supplier relationships with top-tier publishers and global academic institutions. For business school faculty, both at Ivey and around the world, this means Ivey Publishing will serve as a ‘one-stop shop’ for a far greater selection of cases, journals, and reports.

The new partnerships include top-tier U.S. schools like Kellogg, Case Western Reserve and MIT/Sloan and international leaders like the Rotterdam School of Management or the Management Development Institute in Gurgaon, India. Collaborations with schools across Canada, including Simon Fraser University, University of Calgary, and University of Regina, provide excellent Canadian content.  There is also a new distribution channel for Ivey Publishing material with Waterloo, Ontario’s Desire2Learn.

 “We’re thinking about how we can better distribute great content, not only ours, but other excellent content from around the world,” Director Matt Quin said.

Sleek Coursepack Builder makes packaging content easier

Alongside the expanded selection of material, Ivey Publishing has also made strides in streamlining the customer experience. The online Coursepack Builder gives faculty members the opportunity to select the various cases and articles they want to include for a given course, upload and add in their own personal content, then put the order through with Ivey Publishing, which handles copyright, printing, and delivery.

“People are used to having a customer experience like Amazon and Netflix, which are both very simple processes. So we are looking at how to make to easier for people to find great content easily. In an industry of change, we’re getting out in front of it,” Quin explained.

Sheryl Gregson, Manager, Business Systems, Distributor Relations and Compliance at Ivey Publishing, has been integral in the development of these new relationships as well as the innovative Coursepack Builder.

“Our goal is to make it easier for people,” she said. “If they come to us, we’re making it so they have the widest selection available in a way that’s easy for them to use.”

For current and incoming Ivey students, the new agreements equate to a greater selection and more specific academic material both in their courses and outside of them. For example, if students want to explore the automotive industry, they can access material from a number of partner institutions that may be writing about relevant issues on the topic.

As Gregson explained, the benefits for the School are two-fold: Ivey Publishing customers will be able to access more non-Ivey material, and Ivey-owned case material will also be accessible to more institutions further reinforcing Ivey’s brand as an international case leader.