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Organizational Behaviour

Recent Publications

Salvador, C. E.; Idrovo Carlier, S.; Ishii, K.; Torres Castillo, C.; Nanakdewa, K.; San Martin, A.; Savani, K.; Kitayama, S., 2024, "Emotionally expressive interdependence in Latin America: Triangulating through a comparison of three cultural zones.", Emotion, October 24(3): 820 - 835.
Berdahl, J. L.; Bhattacharyya, B. B., (Forthcoming), "Do white women gain status for engaging in anti-Black racism at work? An experimental examination of status conferral", Journal of Business Ethics
Trombini, C.; Jiang, W.; Kinias, Z. K., (Forthcoming), "Receiving Social Support Motivates Long-Term Prosocial Behavior", Journal Of Business Ethics

Organizational Behaviour focuses on two major themes: international organizational behavior and the management of diversity; and organizational competitiveness, the management of change and leadership. The program is designed to develop an understanding of current theory, research, and practice. 

Barnini Bhattacharyya Cropped

Barnini Bhattacharyya

Assistant Professor
Ann Frost

Ann Frost

Associate Professor
Imai, Lynn (BIO) - lighter copy.JPG

Lynn Imai

Assistant Professor (part-time)
Kinas, Zoe

Zoe Kinias

Associate Professor

David Loree

Assistant Professor

Karen MacMillan

Assistant Professor

Lucas Monzani

Assistant Professor
Kevin Nanakdewa

Kevin Nanakdewa

Assistant Professor
Olivera, Fernando Bio 500 X 680 V2

Fernando Olivera

Associate Professor

R.L. (Lyn) Purdy

Associate Professor
Deans' Office
Rawski Shannon

Shannon Rawski

Assistant Professor

Gerard Seijts


Hayden Woodley

Assistant Professor

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