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Ning Su | Marketing firm, heal thyself

Jan 20, 2016


Marketing firm itracMarketer has been up-and-running for 13 years, but new strategies might be in order to keep up with competitors, said Assistant Professor Ning Su.

With the rise of competitors, such as MailChimp and Hootsuite, itracMarketer needs a boost in creating compelling, brand-related content for its website. The company sells software that helps businesses send e-mail newsletters, manage social media campaigns, and track customer relationships. Outsourcing to freelance writers has proven to be a challenge.

The Globe and Mail let the experts weigh in, including Su, to address the question: How can itracMarketer make its freelance content generation more efficient?

Su suggested the company keep track of its relationships with suppliers and let some of them go.

“Three words: long tail strategy,” said Su. “They should always keep a long tail of many suppliers to experiment with. Keep the best ones and let the others go.”