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For Participants

The faculty who use the Ivey BehavLab research the ways in which we behave in our world as consumers, as employees, as managers, as entrepreneurs, as information gatherers, and the many other ways in which economic decisions impact our well-being.  The best way to understand how humans interact with the world around them is to actually study them making those decisions.  For this research Ivey has a dedicated behavioural research lab, the Ivey BehavLab. 

For our student participants we know that taking part in these studies you will broaden your knowledge and bring meaning to the learning that is happening in your classrooms.  We believe that participation in research is an important part of your education and our researchers are always open to your questions about their research. Learn more about the Student Credit Pool. 

For our paid participants we are thankful for your continued involvement with our studies.  Students who are part of the credit pool may join the paid pool once their credits have been fully completed for their course.  We welcome all students and staff to join the paid pool. Learn more about the Paid Pool

The BehavLab only functions because we have the most important resource of all: our participant pools!

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