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Avoid using a long title in front of a name. Instead use name and title, separated by a comma or name, title, department. Short titles can precede a name, especially when commonly known.
John Smith, President of IBM
Mary White, CEO, TD Bank
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Do not capitalize titles when it’s a former title.
Ivey Dean Bob Kennedy
Former Ivey dean Carol Stephenson
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau

There is no need to capitalize a title when it’s on its own and used generally.
Example: The plan was approved by the dean of the school.

Do not use courtesy titles such as Mr., Mrs., Miss and Ms. They should be avoided unless deemed culturally necessary for specific documents.

Include degrees after the name and before the title. Do not include LLDs, unless specifically requested. Add E to EMBA when full-time MBAs are mentioned in the same document or for alumni publications. When abbreviating a degree, omit periods and punctuation marks (BA, MA, PhD and LLB).
Kim Jones, HBA ’71, President of ABC Company.
George Watson, EMBA ’08, and Jason Clarke, MBA ’05.
Sue Shields, PhD ’98.
He has a BA from Western University.

Do not use Dr. unless a medical doctor. Those with PhDs should be referred to as Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor. Only use Dr. in the first reference.
Dr. John Smith performed the first-of-its-kind operation. Smith said it was his crowning achievement.

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