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HBA · Samira Adus

2016 AEO Application Series - Samira Adus

Dec 29, 2016

2016 AEO Application Series - Samira Adus

Why Western?

Many people take the stress of choosing a university in different ways, some find comfort in educating themselves on every little aspect of their options, whereas others may consult students in the program. The best piece of advice to give to someone trying to make this choice is to reflect. Self- reflection is the most crucial aspect of the big choice ahead. Knowing yourself, your interests, and values are powerful things that can help guide you towards the best program for you. Understanding your interests in subjects like biology and maybe your dislikes for subjects like math can help you chose a program that may be more biology based and health related. Knowing that you find accounting interesting but not marketing may guide you into looking at getting your CPA. Above all, it’s important to know that you aren’t restricted with your choice.

Although there are many factors besides the program at question, like location and finances, at the end of the day it’s your choice. This is your program, your life for the next 4 years. That may seem intimidating at first but once you find that perfect program, that perfect combination of all your interests, it’s a great feeling. It can be difficult to imagine yourself in a big lecture hall, whether it be at the beautiful Ivey building or the many others on campus and possibly living away from home. The adjustment process to university is a big step in a student’s life, but feeling secure about your choices can help you cope with that. Not only that, but knowing that although it is a significant choice, that there are many people who decide to change programs after realizing more about themselves through actually being in the lecture halls and taking the courses in their program. Above all, the choice is important but the choice does not define you, you define the choice and with the help of some self-reflection, hopefully it will be easier to make.