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Ramzi Fathallah

Western University

Survivorship as Emplacement: How Turbulent Environments Enhance Mastery over Adversity

Jake Grandy

University of Southern California

Regulatory Discretion And Firm Success: An Examination Of U.S. Hydroelectric Facility Licencing, 1900-2012.

Ximin (Natalie) Huang

Georgia Institute of Technology
Design Implications of Extended Producer Responsibility for Durable Products.

Florian Jaeger

RWTH Aachen University (PhD Candidate/Research Assistant)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Visiting Research Fellow)
Integrating Institutional And Resource-Based Perspectives: An Empirical Reexamination Of Corporate Sustainability.

Julian Koelbel

ETZ Zurich
Exploring strategy for common pool resources: How do corporations manage water risks?

Matthew Lunde

University of Wyoming
A DUALITY OF SUSTAINABLE ACTION: How sustainable buildings change people’s sustainable intentions and actions and how people change the intentions and actions of sustainable buildings.

Simon Pek

Simon Fraser University
The Process of Integrating Sustainability into an Organization’s Culture.

Maja Tampe

MIT Sloan School of Management
Nudging Those Who Don’t Need It: Transnational Private Governance In The Cocoa Sector Of Ghana, Ecuador And Brazil.

Jennifer Wang

Stanford University
Social Norms At Work: Peer And Perceived Mba Experiences Of Environmenal Sustainability.

Christopher R. Whynacht

University of Massachusetts Boston
The Ecological Embeddedness Of Global Production Networks: Salmon Aquaculture And Palm Oil.

Shipeng Yan

IESE Business School

The Global Rise of Socially Responsible Investing Funds:The Paradoxical Role of Finance.

Dan Zhao

University of Michigan
Can Private Water Companies Deliver Quality?: The Role of Scale and Customer Attentiveness.

Julia Puaschunder

Harvard University
Ethical Decision Making Under Social Uncertainty: An Introduction of Überethicality.

Juyoung Lee

Brown University
Organizational Characteristics And Environmental Outcomes: Hierarchical And Geographic Positions Of Corporate Establishments In Large Chemical Manufacturing Firms.

Tal Yifat

University of Chicago
Social Enterprise as Collective Action: Mobilizing Resources for Mass Market Success.

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