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Centre for Building Sustainable Value

Veronica Wang

Coming from a small town in Liaoning, China, I was raised in a loving family. My parents have always encouraged me to pursue my interests and because of their support, I developed the interest to travel and hiking. Having lived under the huge transition period in Chinese society, I got to see how sustainability is being compromised by economical development. After moving to Canada, I saw people around me living the concept of sustainability and I’m determined to learn more about it and make impacts when I go back to China.

Additional Information

Personal Definition of Sustainability

I believe that sustainability is multifaceted and it is the accumulation of every little thing. Being aware of one’s capabilities is vital. I learned to be sensitive towards others’ feelings to build sustainable personal relationships. I managed my time as efficiently as I can to stay energetic every day. Besides recycle and donate old clothes, I participated in volunteer events (e.g. collect empty bottles in the neighborhood, organized volunteer event for city cleaning) to make personal impacts in the community I’m in. To a larger extent, I think organizations, regardless small or big, should live and breathe this concept and constantly leverage technology and deliver innovative solutions to better its business.


In middle school, I organized trip for the class to go into the community and do city cleaning. The trip happened every two months and we would find different areas in the city to clean. The event was featured in the local news and I won “the student of the year” in my hometown.

First year of Western I joined the Case Translation and Publication Project (CTPP) to help bring more Ivey cases into Chinese education system.

During my second year in Western, I joined Red Cross club and participated in visiting local retirement home and Boys & Girls club of London.

For the summer I’m going to work in Vancouver and participate in the Color Run Vancouver 2015. I had run it before in China and enjoyed the experience. I strongly identify myself with its cause of promoting personal happiness and mental health.

Veronica Wang

Veronica Wang

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