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Having lived in Calgary for the majority of my life, I understand the importance of energy and the positive financial effects that it has. However, having lived in England and Austria, I have seen that renewable energy is key for sustainability. After taking an interest in this area, I began a Bachelor in Management degree at UBC, and took special interest in all types of sustainability electives, including Corporate Sustainability, Earth and Environmental Studies, and Finance. I was given an internship at Sustainable Energy Technologies in Calgary during the summer of 2010, and am currently working at Enbridge in their Green Energy - Power Generation Business Development division. I will also be on the executive of the Ivey HBA Sustainability Club this year.

Additional Information

Personal Definition of Sustainability
I see sustainability as looking past the short-term benefits, and acting in a way that will give the best long-term benefits for those involved - even if it means greater sacrifice in the short-term. I believe this is true for many situations, whether it be corporate strategy, financial, governmental or regulatory, environmental, or personal. By thinking in terms of total cost of ownership and future positioning, individuals, organizations, countries, and the earth will have a longer and richer life.

During my 2010 internship at Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET), I assessed the economics of a proposed reduction to the FIT and microFIT renewable energy tariffs by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA). By building a model that showed that the reduction would not allow an acceptable return for major projects, I was able to draft a letter alongside the CEO of SET the to the OPA arguing for the re-assessment of the tariff, and suggesting a new tariff rate that would satisfy returns. Although it is policy for the government not to acknowledge why changes are made, the OPA later announced that they would be changing their tariff rate to a number that was within 2% of my suggested tariff rate.

This year at Enbridge I am working with the Green Energy Business Development team looking at potential Solar and Wind projects. Since selecting a project for a potential acquisition (>$1B), I am now working on the Due Diligence team finding and mitigating project risks.

I am also now on the executive of the Ivey HBA Sustainability Club which will be starting this September. Although roles are not yet specifically defined, I will be helping bring speakers in and organizing sustainability based events throughout the year.

Daniel Berry

Daniel Berry

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