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I grew up in an expatriate family originally from Calgary, Alberta. Most of my time growing up was spent outdoors, whether it was skiing in the Canadian Rockies or camping in the Arabian Desert. From a young age, I have had a deep appreciation for this world that transcended political borders. These experiences fostered my passion toward Global Citizenship and sustainability such that future generations can enjoy this world as I have been able to. Through the HBA Sustainability Certificate Program, I plan to act as a Global Citizen and do my part to help create a more sustainable world.  

Question 1: What is your personal definition of sustainability?  

To me, sustainability means being a Global Citizen and improving the world for future generations. 

Having grown up an expatriate, I lived in six countries that varied on their levels of development. I have seen the ramifications of unsustainable and irresponsible actions on our planet firsthand. This is what fostered my personal commitment to sustainability. For me, this means balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being through a global mindset. My definition is not a concept, but a lifestyle involving conscious effort to create a healthier, more equitable, and united world for future generations. 

Question 2: What role do you see sustainability playing in your professional career?  

As an aspiring consultant, I see sustainability playing a large role in my career. I wish to work with companies involved in sustainability and help them develop strategies to meet their objectives. Companies developing sustainable energy technologies are a particular interest of mine, as they operate at the intersection of economic growth and environmental protection. I hope to both learn from and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share my passion.  

Learning that Ivey was recently ranked third in the world for addressing the UN’s SDGs in research opened my eyes to the rapidly increasing involvement of sustainability in the workplace. It is shaping careers and job sectors and demanding action. Sustainability will play an integral role not only in my career, but all careers. In my career, I believe being sustainable will require sharp business acumen, staying current on best practices and innovations, and a global perspective. 

Question 3: What sustainability projects have you been engaged in?  

Of the UN’s SDGs, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation has been a passion of mine from a young age. At 15, my peers and I hosted a WE Day fundraiser at our school, raising $2,000 above our goal to develop clean water wells in rural Kenya. This experience initially sparked my passion toward working in sustainability efforts. I further pursued this by joining Camps International on the Tanzania Impact Expedition in 2019, where my peers and I helped build safe water drainage infrastructure at Mbokomu Primary School in Moshi. These experiences deepened my passion toward sustainability and Global Citizenship. In my career, I hope to continue contributing to global water safety.

I also had the opportunity to assist Accenture on an ocean cleanup initiative in the Gulf surrounding Dubai, UAE, using drone-based technology. This exposure gave insight into how I can pursue this passion in my career and sparked a new interest in the intersection of technology and sustainability. I am excited to continue learning about this space and how it relates to my education and career in business.  

Hannah Riggins

Hannah Riggins

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