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Jia Yi is currently an HBA2 Student at Ivey Business School at Western University. She is passionate about sustainability and helping to foster a world where future generations can thrive. Jia Yi has volunteered and worked at various non-profits and organizations, hoping to help promote social sustainability within her community. Her experiences include volunteering with her local hospital, community centre, and working with non-profit organizations to help improve aspects of equity and youth prosperity in the long term. Going into the future, she hopes to continue to foster sustainability in a way that allows future generations to thrive. 

What is your personal definition of sustainability?

My personal definition of sustainability is fostering and living in a way that allows future generations to continue to thrive. Sustainability is not just environmental health but also involves understanding its interconnection to social and economic aspects. By considering these aspects, taking a long-term perspective, and focusing on the well-being of both the current and future generations, we can foster sustainability. 

What role do you see sustainability playing in your professional career?

As someone hoping to enter the non-profit industry, I see sustainability playing a significant role in my professional career. Specifically, I plan to focus on youth engagement and empowerment. Given that this career has the potential to impact both current and future generations, sustainability is crucial. I hope to empower youth to foster and live sustainably through the non-profit industry. Educating and spreading awareness in youth regarding sustainable practices, whether social, environmental, or economic, will help empower and inspire both current and future generations of youth toward sustainability. Therefore, I believe it is vital for me to equip myself with the sustainability knowledge needed to impact current and future generations of youth.  

What sustainability projects have you been engaged in? 

I have been engaged in numerous sustainability projects throughout my secondary and post-secondary experience. At Western, I have acted as a Community Engagement Champion, helping to promote and foster sustainability through connecting students to volunteer opportunities within the London community in areas such as environmental health and social equity. In addition, this summer, I am working with CCYP, a non-profit dedicated to addressing barriers preventing youth from living with purpose and prosperity. Through this internship, I aim to promote economic and social sustainability within Canada. Lastly, this past year I have been involved with the Gender Equality Network and Accessibility Committee, supporting various long-term equity initiatives to better create social sustainability on campus. I hope to continue to be engaged within sustainability projects going into the future. 

Jiayi Deng

Jiayi Deng

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