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Hack Western 5

Nov 23, 2018 - Nov 25, 2018

This event has ended. Please see our upcoming events page for more events.

Registration Closed
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From November 23 to 25, 2018, Hack Western 5 will welcome more than 600 students from across Canada. Hack Western is one of Canada’s largest annual student run hackathons and will be taking place at Western University. Participants will collaborate in teams of up to four to build web, mobile, and hardware projects, while participating in workshops, learning from mentors and competing for prizes. 

At Hack Western 4, in November 2017, we saw 476 hackers submit 106 projects. Submissions can be seen here. With every year, we strive to host more hackers, and create a larger impact in the tech community.

For more information on this year's competition, including additional pictures and testimonials from the event organizers, please click here.