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Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab

Creating bridges between academia and leading FinTech organizations

Speakers and Panels 

Our team is committed to sharing the knowledge created by our research effort with practitioners, decision-makers, government regulators and consultants in the FinTech space. Our goal is to bridge the gap that too often sets apart the academic community from the “real” world by translating our research results into impactful take-aways with practical implications.

At our annual Speakers Series event, we invite an extraordinary individual to give a lecture about an essential aspect of FinTech and exchange ideas with an audience consisting of students, entrepreneurs, and managers. For those who cannot attend, we make the lecture freely available online.

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A hackathon is like a marathon for hackers – individuals who come up with clever ideas to change how things are done. Whether it is about building creative software, mobile apps, or repurposing existing hardware to make something useful, our annual 36-hour “Hack Western” competition, sponsored by the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab at Ivey Business School, offers hundreds of students from all over the world an opportunity to showcase their talent and learn from others.

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The Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab has partnered with Propel to support innovative startups. 

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