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Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership

Laurence Mussio

Historian and CEO, SIERC Canada

Dr. Laurence B. Mussio has spent his professional career studying and writing books about how big decision-making engines in finance, government and technology shape and are shaped by the world around them. As CEO of his own consulting company, Signal Influence Executive Research and Communications (SIERC), he is also an active entrepreneur. The result of these hybrid activities is that he offers a unique perspective on human judgement in action. Dr. Mussio is able to connect insight and hindsight to contemporary leadership challenges in a compelling, engaging and creative way.

In the last decade, Dr. Mussio led a massive research project to capture the history of one of North America’s most important financial institutions. The result was the landmark publication, in 2020, of a two-volume history of the Bank of Montreal, called Whom Fortune Favours: Bank of Montreal and the Rise of North American Finance. The historian Niall Ferguson called Dr. Mussio’s book an “exemplary, deeply researched and insightful history” of one of North America’s founding financial institutions.

The culmination of Dr. Mussio’s work on decision-making and management comes with his current and most exciting work on artificial intelligence and human judgement.  The Decisionmaker’s Dilemma: Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Judgement, coming out in 2022, will focus on what AI targets most profoundly: human judgement.

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